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Mariella Avatar

I would also say “everything”. I’ve been tempted by a few newer blushes and “blush/highlight/finishing powder products” from Haus Labs, Buxom, Tarte and maybe a few other brands but the truth of the matter is that I really do have way more blush that I could conceivably ever need or finish or even hit pan on so I’m trying to reign that in.

Penny Avatar

I have enough makeup to last me 5 lifetimes so the last thing I need in 2024 is more! That being said I know I will fall for the hype if anything claims to be inventive or something never before seen…..but I will do my best to control my urges……………………

Kat Avatar

Everything, except replacements like foundation, powder, or mascara! My lipstick and blush collections are pretty shocking… I have a moderate amount of eyeshadow, but I almost never wear it, so it’s not good either. I am making it a goal this year to wear either lipstick or eyeshadow every day I do my makeup. I do like the way it looks, I’m just usually too lazy!

Monika Avatar

2024 is my first “no buy(ish)” year. I’d like to be more mindful and much more strict with everything I must buy (especially subscriptions, delivery charges, makeup and clothing purchases). Plus this year I switched from capsule coffee to instant coffee at home.

Sherelle Avatar

Lip Gloss. Clear and Nude Pink to be exact lol. I am a makeup artist so I, of course, always want to have my supplies stocked and ready. When it comes to lip gloss for some reason I have gone overboard-even the ones for myself. I am trying to get back to lipsticks, but the gloss has me in a chokehold.

Deborah S. Avatar

I am planning on buying less of everything but if a limited edition product comes out that really wows me, then I will likely purchase.
I am sitting in my house freezing as we are dropping to -20 for the next couple of days and I am sitting here promising myself that I am going to be living someplace even slightly warmer, next winter. If I plan to move then I need to really reign in my expenditures. It just doesn’t seem good to be stuck indoors for weeks at a time due to ice, snow and freezing temperatures. I would likely tolerate it better if I were younger, although there are plenty of older people living here and many retire here but I think the combination of the cold and my normal isolation based on living alone and away from people is taking a toll on my mental health. The other day I accidently locked my keys in my car with the engine running. My spare key, phone and house key were all inside the car! I had to hike through the snow to my closest neighbor and see if he could try to open if for me or if I could use his phone to call AAA. Here in Montana, it is not unheard of to have to wait upwards of 4 or 5 hours for a tow truck to respond to your rural location. My neighbor graciously agreed to try and get in and after about an hour of trying, he was successful in unlocking it. I felt terrible as he isn’t young either and it was really cold although thankfully not snowing. I haven’t locked myself in my car in probably over 50 years. As I was trying to figure out what to do, it was really brought home to me how difficult this life can be. So, hopefully no spending on makeup this year and I think I will be mostly successful as since returning to makeup, I haven’t been wowed by anything.

brendacr1 Avatar

Deborah, You are getting the same weather that we are in Alberta, it’s brutal! And to lock yourself out in this weather is the worst! We would love to move somewhere warm, winter is not our favorite season either. Who needs makeup if you have a tan? Take care.

Deborah S. Avatar

Alberta is one of my favorite places to visit. I absolutely love Waterton Township not only for its beauty but because of many happy memories I have there. Banff and Lake Louise were stops on my honeymoon.
You stay indoors and warm. Luckily we don’t stay that cold for more than a week or so and then maybe a couple of times a winter. I really do want to move but at my age it is hard to make that decision. Even the idea of packing up all my possessions seems overwhelming. I don’t have any idea how difficult it will be to sell my house. The market is okay right now but by summer, in an election year, you never know how it will be. Oh well, I just need to live through the winter!!

brendacr1 Avatar

I am aiming to not make the Rouge level this year. I am retired, I don’t go out a heck of a lot, I don’t wear makeup to walk the dog, so that goal shouldn’t be out of reach. I love doing my makeup so I have to really restrain myself when I see new releases because I will never use what I own.

Nina Avatar

I’m only replacing the 3 or 4 things I’m running out of. I have vowed to be less critical of myself for not double/triple cleansing then using snail essence and then vitamin c then sun screen then moisturizer then toner. Just because a few on YouTube with unlimited funds and are on PR lists for $185 creams doesn’t mean they work or having/smothering skin with that much product is even healthy! I’m doing just fine spending and accumulating less; money and time wise.

Miggsy Avatar

Same, pretty much everything, except back-ups or replenishment of products I use regularly like Cerave moisturizing cream and cleansing foam.

Cherie Avatar

Just replacements and skincare as the need arises. Rediscovering my stash and giving away/purging what I don’t use. This goes for clothing as well. I just don’t want makeup to take up too much headspace. Focusing one day at a time to do something healthy.

If course, if there is something new and innovative, I definitely want to read about it!

Moxie Avatar

Lip products. I have so many and, although there are more I want to try in formulas I’ve never experienced (the clicky melting balm sticks etc), I just can’t justify buying them when I have 5 boxes yet to use.

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