Survey Says... February 28th, 2024

Happy Wednesday! Here's this week's survey, which you can copy and paste and share as a comment.

  • Your skin tone/coloring:
  • Most used lip product this month?
  • Go-to cheek products this month?
  • Favorite eye palette this month?


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Erica Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: MAC NC 20

Most used lip product this month? Perricone MD No Lipstick Lipstick

Go-to cheek products this month? Rare Beauty Hope Liquid Blush & Hourglass Ethereal Glow

Favorite eye palette this month? Maybelline Color Molten Duo in Nude Rush

Genevieve Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Porcelain with pink undertones

Most used lip product this month? I have been delving into my considerable lipstick stash this month using a variety of lipsticks – CP’s Foolish, Trending, Drama Much; Sephora’s Hong Kong by Night; Maybelline’s Spice for Me and Mauve for Me and Fenty’s Freckle Fiesta.

Go-to cheek products this month? Benefit’s Crystah Strawberry blush

Favorite eye palette this month? Overall favourite is Pat’s Sublime Blond Ambition 6 pan with the Subliminal Platinum Bronze 6 pan; Zoeva’s Emerald Eyes and Bronze Espresso and my golden oldie Lancome’s Sparkling Intoxication 5 pan – which contains a beautiful green and teal shade that matches one of my new summer tops.

Mariella Avatar

You are making me very jealous with the mention of all these lovely eyeshadow palettes I can’t get my hands on!!!!

I recommended Something in the Water to a “gym friend” and she couldn’t get it at first so started with Mr. Nobody (which I’ve just started listening to) but has since read Something in the Water and we were discussing it the other day – she loved it too and also wants to know WHO were those people in the plane that was under the water and I also said “wouldn’t there be debris, an oil slick, etc.”. We want to write to Catherine Steadman with all our questions (just kidding but we did joke about it).

Genevieve Avatar

I am so pleased that you are enjoying Catherine Steadman’s books – as to your questions re the people in the plane, my guess would be the Russian Mafia and the area of the Pacific in which the plane went down is so remote that probably debris etc wouldn’t be detected. I hope you are liking Mr. Nobody – a great read.
Another author that I would recommend is Gary Disher’s Bitter Wash Road – he has 3-4 in the series and they are all fabulous.
I’ve been meaning to ask you how your Christmas went? I know we talked about the challenges of cooking on the day with the heat, but nothing of the kind happened this year for us. It completely poured down with rain – set a record for the wettest Christmas Day ever and it was quite cold. Everyone was wearing winter clothes. I even did a tray of roast potatioes and vegies! The kids loved all their presents and we had a great time nonetheless.
Both Olivia and Lachlan are doing well at school – Olivia’s 10th birthday is next week and Harry has been doing well at kinder. Little Charlotte is commando crawling across the floor and is loving all of the food Nonna prepares for her.

Does your Sephora carry The Inkey List skincare products? I have just started using their Oat Milk Skin Cleansing balm and it is just divine. Not really expensive, but it leaves the skin beautifully moisturised after cleansing.

Mariella Avatar

Christmas seems so long ago now but it was good – it’s always nice having the family here though my son and his wife in Japan weren’t able to join.

I went out to breakfast yesterday with my daughter, her husband and their baby (well, I guess she’s not a baby any longer but she’s always a baby to me) (hubs missed out because he’s in N. Carolina golfing) and she’s now got a few molars! She’s so cute and really knows when she’s being silly to make people laugh. Nice to hear about your grand-children and how they’re all doing.

Have you ever read anything by Kate Atkinson? She did a whole series of books centering on an ex soldier turned private detective names Jackson Brodie. They were made into a tv series which was pretty well done but the books are so much better.

Mariella Avatar

Oh – and I bought another Charlotte Tilbury quad. I wish she’d release some new ones that aren’t all pinks and oranges and very warm browns. But I got The Sophisticate (it’s all matte, though they don’t seem like those dull, dry mattes and seem a bit more “satin-y”) and it looks really nice though I only just got in the door from Sephora and the gym so haven’t had a chance to try it out yet. I’m sort of hooked on her formula so I just wish some more quads would come down the pipe.

Genevieve Avatar

I haven’t read any of Kate Atkinson’s books but they do have them at our local library so I have reserved one of them to see how it goes. I’m always on the hunt for a new author. So thankyou.
Your granddaughter would be of a beautiful age and I am sure she is talking well and letting you know what she wants and how she feels. She will always be your little baby….
We had Olivia’s 10th family birthday party at our place last night because Henry (he was born a Henry, but they called him Harry for awhile, but some time ago they decided to use his christened name) is at an age where at 5.30 of an evening, after kinder, he is tired and ratty. It’s just not peaceful for them to take him out for dinner at the moment.
Anyway, we had a great time – Olivia loved her presents and the Indian food we ordered in when down very well.
As to CT – I think The Rock Chick would work in very well with all of your other palettes and complement it. And I agree, most of her recent offerings, just like PMG, look the same.

Mariella Avatar

If you read the Jackson Brodie books, it’s a good idea to read them in order – Case Histories first, then (I think) One Good Turn, When Will There Be Good News (I struggled with that one because it starts with a young mother and her young children – all but one of them – being murdered on a country road by a complete stranger but if you stick with it, it’s good and just the way she writes about women and their experiences and how they shape their lives and how she brings a bunch of seemingly disparate threads together – I find it wonderful).

I already own The Rock Chick – I got it really soon after getting The Rebel. It’s The Sophisticate that I just got yesterday and it is really nice. It’s not exactly earth-shattering but it’s such a good, solid and practical palette. Years ago, I got the NARS Kalahari duo and this sort of puts me in mind of that because it just produces a really elegant (dare I say “sophisticated”?) look.

Mariella Avatar

So happy to see a new post here – I’m having withdrawal from Temptalia and the fun discussions we have

Your skin tone/coloring: pale, cool
Most used lip product this month? MAC Craving and Burt’s Bees Red Dahlia lip balm
Go-to cheek products this month? MAC Into the Pink In Extra Dimension blush and – just starting with this and struggling a bit – Glossier Cloud Paint. I got Haze; I was sure Puff would be more to my liking but it was SO ORANGE even though Sephora says this is a cool pink
Favorite eye palette this month? A duo – Nars Old Church Street; for a true palette, probably ABH Sultry or Mario.

Cara Avatar

I had been eyeing Glossier Puff for the longest time and considered buying it once they came to Sephora but so many reviews described it as a very warm orange! As a pale cool toned vampire, I cannot wear warm tones and I’m so glad I waited. I don’t particularly like buying from online only brands, especially those that don’t accept returns, so I would have been stuck with a blush that’s wildly different in person than in brand photos and descriptions.

Mariella Avatar

Cara, I am just the same about online purchases – I need to see, feel and, in the case of fragrance, SMELL the items I’m purchasing. Even with repurchasing a known entity, there’s always the risk the product will arrive damaged (I’ve seen so many of Christine’s photos where an eyeshadow palette or other pressed product has arrived with the product damaged and even if the company does accept returns, there’s all the time and hassle of doing the return. I like to hand over my money and have my new purchase in my hands right away – call me Ms. Instant Gratification!

Genevieve Avatar

Seeing as this was probably Christine’s last post – I hope not though, although I am very pleased for her to have found another life outside of makeup and beauty, I hope you’ve had a lovely Easter.
We had the whole tribe over and it was a wonderful day.

Mariella Avatar

At some point when she posted about withdrawing from Temptalia, Christine did mention that she might make it possible for posters here to connect with one another directly, which I think would be lovely. I wish I’d followed up about that suggestion.

Easter here was fun. Not traditional – we had our family dinner on Good Friday and it was steak on the bbq along with vegetables, apps and desserts. We set up an Easter egg hunt for grand-daughter (as she doesn’t eat much chocolate and it too young to deal with foil wrappers and we wanted to set it up outside, I had to get a bit “creative” – plastic eggs filled with toddler snacks, bubbles for blowing – she LOVES bubbles – some Easter sticker packs and stuff like that). She loved looking for her “treasures”.

Genevieve Avatar

Our tribe aren’t use to having chocolate either so it was all a treat for them. Little ones do love the bubbles and I am sure that Jemma loved her Easter treats and she would have been so delighted with them.
The weather has finally turned to autumn this week – March turned out to be so darned hot it was awful.
Anika’s birthday is tomorrow and I have bought her some beauty treats – the Zoeva quad in Rose (you would be surprised to find how hard it is to find a cool toned, soft pink themed palette these days – most of them are really quite dark and orangey leaning), a soft coral lipstick and plenty of skincare products as she needed. Plus a lovely Olive green/Khaki jumper.
All the kids are well at the moment and growing up too quickly. Henry’s speech is improving leaps and bounds now that he is at 3 year old kinder.
I am missing ‘talking’ to our other regular readers here on ‘Temptalia and it does feel quite strange to buy a beauty product without seeing her review first because for so long I have depended on her advice and reviews.
I hope Christine you are well and happy.

Lacey Avatar

Genevieve, I forget it’s the opposite season so happy Autumn! We’re gearing up for summer and all I can think about is what makeup looks good with sunscreen? I’m thinking denim blues or forest greens with peachy shades as peach is 2024 Pantone color. Any ideas on keeping up with these discussions?

Genevieve Avatar

Hi Lacey
It is quite tricky keeping the thread going but I am glad that you have. As we have just finished our summer, I found I was wearing more serum foundations that work well with sunscreen underneath. I think the eye combinations you were thinking of will look lovely – peachy shades go so well with forest greens or blue shades. I hope your summer doesn’t turn out to be brutal though.

Mariella Avatar

What are some of serum foundations you’ve liked, Genevieve? I know a lot of people are switching to them and I’m curious but haven’t tried any yet but I’d like to. Which widely available brands have worked for you?

As for keeping this thread (or any that aren’t “comments closed”) going, it may be tricky (especially if they do “time out” automatically and we can’t add more comments after a certain amount of time has passed. But, oh – there’s just so much I want to talk about and also hear about from others (rediscoveries, purchases, just general “life” stuff). I keep hoping Christine will add some sort of “Monthly Update” post – one that won’t require a whole lot of work from her but will give us a “playground” to hang out in.

Genevieve Avatar

So, so missing our virtual catch ups here! Yep I do feel the need for a playground of our own.
Serum foundations – hmmm – all the ones I have tried provide quite light coverage. Great if you are just going out for a little while and it’s hot, but they don’t last more that 4-5 hours on your face without fading.
The best one I have tried is the L’Oreal one – it’s officially called the L’Oreal True Match Nude Plumping Tinted Serum and has a limited shade range, but you, like me, are the fairest shade -0.5-2 Vey Light.
It does match my skintone and doesn’t oxidise. Applies beautifully. It can be built up and does cover most skin imperfections.
I have started using the Embryolisse daily moisturising cream and what a joy it is! I wouldn’t have bought it if not for you recommending it Mariella. I am sold. Just gorgeous.
I haven’t bought much makeup lately – seeing as I have so much of it.
Our grand children are all good, although Henry gave us a scare recently by hurting his leg and limping. When my youngest son (the father of the kids) was his age (3) he develiped Perthes Disease of the hip – very rare and it took over a year to right itself under specialist’s care. Nicholas was worried that this is what Henry was developing to (similar symptons) – pain in the groin, limping, not being able to walk far etc. So after x rays and a visit to a paediatric orthopediatric specialist it was thought that he had just strained a groin muscle… very relieved because the incidence of Perthes Disease is higher if a parent has had it. Never a dull moment in our household.
I hope that you and your family are well and hope that your weather is calm and just nicely sunny. We are truly getting into winterish weather here.

Mariella Avatar

I am SO happy you like the Embryolisse cream. It’s always risky recommending something to someone else because we’re all so different. I often buy pricier creams and I do enjoy using them as a special indulgence, but I’ve always got a tube of Embryolisse in easy reach. I recently purchased (in the Sephora VIB sale – that 20% was my justification) the Youth to the People Retinal and Niacinamide serum (outrageously pricey but still less expensive than the Drunk Elephant stuff I’ve used in past). It’s a very nice product (but pricey!).

Light coverage is ideal for me – I don’t even bother with foundation any more (I did wear Marcelle CC cream the other day for the first time in ages and ages but generally, it’s just Embryolisse and sunscreen or Origins A Perfect World moisturizer with SPF 40) so I’m going to check out that serum foundation you use.

You must all be so relieved about your grandson getting an “all clear” about the Perthes disease (I’d never heard of it till now). The worry doesn’t seem to stop, does it???

****I’m replying here because the earlier “back and forth” got so long that it wasn’t possible to reply there – no little pink arrow!

Genevieve Avatar

It’s not really surprising that the Embryolisse moisturiser works so well on me because we are both of the same age and have similar skintones, so I know that what works for you, works for me. Although I don’t use a retinol product because my skin is sensitive to it – I have tried it in the past.
No the worry doesn’t ever seem to stop with our kids (or grandchildren). At least Henry is now all good and is continuing with his speech therapy sessions to refine his pronounciation of words. He has come on leaps and bounds since starting kinder.
There are still a lot of people here experiencing symptoms of long covid. My eldest son has now lesions on his lungs and is under the care of a Respiratory Specialst. One of my girlfriends’ husband has just had a litre of fluid taken out of his lungs (extremely healthy and fit person) and one of my former teaching colleagues has had ongoing problems with fatigue, heart and lung problems. There is not enough support here in our state for these people.
How are your tribe going? Jemma would be almost up to her second birthday soon and I bet she is a little treasure.

Sami Avatar

Have you ever heard of discord? It’s an app, I’m not sure if it can web based but someone or maybe Christine if she wanted can create a Temptalia community. It’s basically a chat group. I would love to read others personal experiences/comments/recommendations on new products.

Lacey Avatar

That’s a great idea Sami, I would like to join a temptalia discord as well. I miss the weekly posts and reviews, as well as others sharing their products, tips and recommendations. 🙂

Genevieve Avatar

It’s our Mother’s Day this weekend and I always ‘help’ the males in my family in buying my presents I generally keep it very simple – an item of clothing/perfume or a beauty product. This year it was a PMG’s Celestial Odyssey (it was on sale and free shipping awhile ago) and a new pair of fleece slippers. We are going out for a drive and dinner too.
I am looking forward to trying the palette out.
What I am really looking at is Florasis’s Retro Brown eye palette, plus some of their lipsticks – which all look heavenly to me.
I hope this finds you and your family well.

Mariella Avatar

Mothers Day here too, G. No makeup for me this year (I bought myself a whole bunch of stuff at Winners – a great discounter chain – this past week but told my husband that I wanted a few specific things for the house and garden. We’ll see if he “comes through”. A for perfume, I’m sort of “perfumed out”, having treated myself to a refill of Angel (a fragrance I used to loathe but have come to love after it’s on for half an hour or so) and also a jar of the body cream. My older son surprised me by arriving home yesterday afternoon and daughter and her family are coming for dinner on Sunday so I’ll have 2 of 3 home and a FaceTime call with son in Tokyo and his wife early tomorrow morning. Wishing all the moms here a wonderful Mothers Day – you all deserve to have a special day!

I miss posting here so much. I’d be more than happy to see a “Friday Catch-up Day”, even with the same 4 questions every week (if there has to be a survey) – “Most Used Lip Product”, “Most Used Eye Palette”, “Most Loved Skin Care Product” – for many of us, that changes weekly or monthly and would give us a lounge to chat in.

Cara Avatar

SKINTONE: Porcelain with cool undertones (I think it’s above)
MOST USED LIP PRODUCT: Either Ami Cole clear lip oil or Tower 28 Ube Vanilla tinted balm
GO-TO CHEEK PRODUCT: Give Me Glow Party Favor (bubblegum pink blush) & ABH Lunar New Year dragon highlight
FAVORITE EYE PALETTE: Gloss Gods – First Gal on Jupiter. It’s a Swedish indie brand with the most intense metallics I’ve ever tried. They’re like liquid metal on the eye!

Katalin Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: light-medium, warm olive.
Most used lip product this month? NARS High Intensity Lip Pencil In Walkyrie. It’s amazing. Creamy, light feeling on the lips, but high opacity and long lasting.
Go-to cheek products this month? Armani Neo nude melting balms.
Favorite eye palette this month? A very old travel palette from Dior. I hated it at that time. I guess I tried to apply with that tiny applicator that was included. But with good brushes it impresses me now.

Lily Kelley Avatar

Light-Med skin with warm undertones, blonde hair, green eyes.

Lip – Clinique Cappuccino Pop satin lipstick, ABH Soft Brown satin lipstick, NYX Madeline butter gloss.
Cheeks- MAC Naturally Flawless Mineralize blush, Clinique Fig Pop
Eyes- Clinique Teddy Bear quad.

Made my day to see a new post!

LK Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: light neutral

Most used lip product this month?
It’s a tie between the Clarins lip perfector in 05 Candy shimmer and the Givenchy Rose perfecto liquid balm in 011 Black Pink. The keyword is hydration.

Go-to cheek products this month?
I broke my no-buy when the NARS website had a 40% discount. I bought the hyped up All that Glitters holiday blush and highlight palette because the deal was too good to resist and I had some serious FOMO. I have been testing the various shades of this 6-pan palette, which makes it my most used this month. The formula is new and different, for sure, but so far I’m not loving it. The light reflecting formula makes it diffucult for me to assess when have I applied enough, as the blush somehow seems to deepen after a while. Often times the result is patchy, too.

Favorite eye palette this month?
I had resisted buying the NARS Orgasm Rising LE eyeshadow for almost a year, but the 40% off sealed the deal for me. The quality is really nice and I have really enjoyed playing with it. I’m glad I waited for a good discount, though, since all of the looks turn either warm or really warm (orange and red), so only 5 shades in this 9-pan palette will get a good use, and the rest, not so much, unless I am really in the mood for something very, very warm.

Lacey Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: med-tan, winter blah.

Most used lip product this month? Fenty Gloss Bomb in RiRi. MLBB with a hint of shimmer.

Go-to cheek products this month? Hourglass Ambient palette, the darker one with vivid blushes released last year, I put it in the Jellyfish case.

Favorite eye palette this month? Natasha Denona mini: Trichrome. Mix and match with Metropolis, Star and Gold minis all the time. Really love the blues and greens, the twenty shades in these palettes are almost like a Metropolis Midi 😉

Deborah S. Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Under my name.
Most used lip product this month? Dior Rouge Dior Forever Transfer-Proof Lipstick in the shade Rose Blues
Go-to cheek products this month? Chanel Les Beiges Blush in Rose Polaire
Favorite eye palette this month? I haven’t been using a lot of palettes but have been using my 3 pan Inglot Freedom System Eye Shadow Rainbow MATTE NF 120 palette which is a cool brownish grey palette. I add a little shimmer using the Flower Knows contouring palette or the Natasha Denona I Need a Nude palette.

kjh Avatar

Christine is dedicating herself to dog rescue, so does not have as much time for swatching, duping, and reviews. IMHO dogs>makeup…and most people. There’s an incredible backlog of info and research you can do here anyway.

cherie Avatar

I totally get it. While I’m very happy for Christine and this next adventure, I do wonder how she would rate some of these new collections coming out. The reviews were always very thorough and honest. I have to admit, these days I’m watching her puppy videos!

cherie Avatar

I love and respect this honesty. You cannot quantify the effect of happiness. There is much gratitude to you for the years of review you have given to your readers and the community you created here.

Mariella Avatar

Christine, do you still wear makeup and do you enjoy it on a personal level (rather than what was demanded by maintaining this site)? With your skill and also the level of enjoyment you seemed to have in past about makeup when it was just for you, rather than testing and testing and photographing and keeping up with the glut of collections – I just wonder and I guess I hope that you can still enjoy makeup the way most of here do – just for our personal use. Or is that part of “the book” also closed?

Caitlin Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring:
Very fair, neutral (nars mont blanc/fenty 120)

Most used lip product this month?
Charlotte tilbury matte revolution in pillow talk medium, mi kiss and rocket girl
Rare beauty tinted lip oil in delight and wonder

Go-to cheek products this month?
Rare beauty liquid blush in hope and love
Elf putty blush in maui

Favorite eye palette this month?
Charlotte tilbury exaggereyes and pillow talk

Zia Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: above
Most used lip product this month? Blend Bunny Black Sugar Lip Oil
Go-to cheek products this month? Moira Loveheat Cream blush in I Respect You
Favorite eye palette this month? Ensley Reign Cold Moon Palette

Basil Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Very fair with neutral olive undertones
Most used lip product this month? Colourpop Y2K Luxe Lipstick
Go-to cheek products this month? Poppi Pretty in Pink Cheek Bliss
Favourite eye palette this month? It’s actually a single! I’ve been wearing Colourpop Sweet Tea Super Shock Shadow all over the lid almost daily! It makes a beautiful statement just by itself.

LaKIery Avatar

Your makeup choices sound lovely! It seems like you’ve been experimenting with a variety of lipsticks, which is always fun. The mix of ColourPop, Sephora, Maybelline, and Fenty shades must offer a fantastic range of colors for different moods and occasions. Benefit’s Crystah Strawberry blush sounds delightful for adding a natural flush to your cheeks. As for your eye palettes, Pat McGrath’s Sublime Blond Ambition and Subliminal Platinum Bronze, along with Zoeva’s Emerald Eyes and Bronze Espresso, sound like versatile choices for creating different eye looks. It’s great to see you enjoying your makeup stash and finding new favorites for the season!

kjh Avatar

Clearly we all miss full/time Temptalia. Having a red piebald dachshund who was a puppy mill mum for 7 years and has just reached 7 years of home life, I’m thrilled that Christine is devoting her time to rescue. I think we should all submit questions so we can have more content. There are 9 million topics we could address and respond to. Information sharing is important. Let’s do it. The surveys and other weekly features that need far less work for Christine than the endless product reviews.

Deborah S. Avatar

I agree KJH !! I wonder if there would be a way for Christine to allow someone to actually post a question daily? I think that those questions which have been the basis of the blog, like the Friday haul, weekend plans, favorite looks, etcetera would be easy to post and yet Christine has not been doing so. I know she is busy but if it requires her posting them, I don’t think it will get done so either someone would need to take it over or it won’t happen. I don’t know if there is a way to message Christine or not.

Mariella Avatar

I also really miss this place and check every day or two to see if any new comments have been added to this thread (since it’s the most recent post). Temptalia was even mentioned in one of the Chats at Makeup Alley – someone asking if the site was shutting down and someone else commenting that Christine is pulling back considerably from the activity of the past.

Deborah S. Avatar

Yes, it is really sad and such a loss to the makeup community. She was excellent at what she did. In any event, I miss the daily interaction with other regular readers and wish that there was a way for us to be able to continue on in a minimal capacity. I was looking at the new Merit lipsticks the other day and wishing that I could get a true sense of the colors and the formula and not have to rely on YouTube influencers who are not always honest. It would be great if we could just post a question to the community on a daily basis or if I could ask others if they have tried the Merit lipstick formula and what did they think of it. At this point, I am not seeing that happen.

Mariella Avatar

I miss the daily or even weekly contact with “friends” I’ve made here – hearing how Nancy’s health is going, hearing about you and your house move plans, touching base with Genevieve about pretty much EVERYTHING (honestly, it’s like we were separated at birth and moved 10,000 miles away from one another….). So it’s the shared love of makeup and more than that too…

I have only the best feelings and wishes for Christine – I’d hate for her to feel she’s under any sort of “obligation” to us or to this site but I do wish I had a way to get in touch with a few of the “regulars” from here that I feel I’ve connected with….

Deborah S. Avatar

I know what you mean. Genevieve and her grandchildren, Nancy, Cara, you. I miss the interaction also. I guess time will tell if there is some way to have a reader contribute a daily question for answering that would allow us to at least share our lives and what we are doing with makeup. Take care Mariella.

Genevieve Avatar

Yes Mariella we are very much like twins of a kind with so many similariies it’s amazing.
I also miss all of our readers here and finding out how their daily lives are going.
An update on us: the only kind of new makeup I have purchased was a beautiful rose coloured Zoeva quad for my DIL’s birthday, which she loved from Sephora.
Mecca Cosmetica has opened up in our local shopping centre and honestly it is so expensive there – if you look up Mecca Cosmetica online you could give yourself a heart attack just by looking at their prices. I rarely shop there.
All of our grandchildren are well at the moment, considering we have hit some very autumny weather and the nights are quite cold.
Charlotte (now 10 months) is pulling herself up to a standing position and is a proficient crawler. A really easy going lass to look after. Henry adores his little sister and is his usual sweet self.
Olivia was nominated for the School District cross country run yesterday and finished in the middle of the pack and she was quite happy about how she ran. Lachlan was nominated as the VIP in his classroom for the week and he is pretty happy about that. He won this award for helping others with their maths in the classroom.
We are all pretty healthy at the moment ourselves.
I hope Deborah that your house moving plans are coming to fruition and that you, too, are well.

Liz Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Nars Valencia
Most used lip product this month? Moira Lip Appeal Waterproof lip Liner in 015, Discreet.
Go-to cheek products this month? Half Caked In Bloom blush in the shade: Liv on Sunday
Favorite eye palette this month? Charlotte Tilbury The Super Nudes – Easy Eye Palette

Zia Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: above
Most used lip product this month? Blend Bunny Cosmetics Black Sugar
Go-to cheek products this month? really didn’t do many cheek products this month
Favorite eye palette this month? Ensley Reign Cold Moon Palette

Nikkia Avatar

Yooooo! I am freaking out right now. I am so happy I’ve stumbled across this site again! It has grown soooo much! Christine if you see my comment some how, I remember you were one of the first people I discovered makeup with and the different Mac eye and lip combinations, I’m talking LiveJournal days. I believe it was you, and QueenofBlending. It fills my heart to see that you’re still standing! This is freaking awesome! You go girl <3<3<3<3

Tess Avatar

Have you tried the newly launched, cruelty-free The Eyeshadow Pad? Their eyeshadows have the most pigmented I have seen of late, almost close to theatrical makeup. The colors are so brilliant, the textures can be shimmery or matte, maybe not for the faint of heart but for someone who looks to wear their moods everyday. For the coming summer, I believe this is worth a try. Not sure if I can post the link here, but they are new and maybe hard to find, so here it is: for the Color Fusion Palette I just tried.

We try to approve comments within 24 hours (and reply to them within 72 hours) but can sometimes get behind and appreciate your patience! 🙂 If you have general feedback, product review requests, off-topic questions, or need technical support, please contact us directly. Thank you for your patience!